As an experienced landscape architect and designer, academically trained geologist, published and exhibited landscape photographer, active garden owner and builder, and frequent traveler, I pursue a life of integrated experiences of creativity, science, culture, and nature. Professionally, landscape design has been my primary occupation, fulfilling my essential need for leaving a legacy on the world. When I obtained my geology training it became a deep source of technical understanding for how natural processes form, shape, and change landscapes. Photography has been a reflective and symbiotic inspiration for my landscape design work for more than 20 years as it has developed my visual literacy, personal vision, and unique artistic perspective. Building, owning, and nurturing gardens have driven my understanding of plant culture and planting design while nurturing an experimental consciousness. Travel has educated and enlightened my perspectives on historical design traditions and globally significant natural environments. In response I have developed a landscape design philosophy that integrates scientific understanding of natural systems into the development of innovative design solutions to intentionally drive environmental functionality within built systems, with applications at the construction scale up to the planning scale. Ultimately, I am inspired by a profound connection to Earth and by the power of placemaking - I work to improve the health and lives of the planet and its people through development of ecologically responsible solutions in landscape architecture.